This year’s Spring Cleaning Tag Sale is scheduled for April 4-5. That’s earlier than the past few years—so it’s time to get started. Here’s how you can help:
- Start collecting items for the sale—furniture, clothing, houseware, electronics, toys. It’s best to bring them the week prior to the sale, but we can probably store them if you really need them out of your house now. We can also arrange pickup for larger items.
- Help NOW with organizing supplies and sale items, making posters and signs, getting the word out to media, etc. We could also use a few people with trucks willing to pick up large donations if requested.
- Plan to help THEN with set-up the week prior to the sale, which is Vigo County’s spring break. Sign-up sheets will be available in March.
- Pray for this effort. The money we make goes directly to the Salvation Army’s summer food pantry. It’s our largest outreach project of the year and does make a difference.
To volunteer or for more information please talk to Anne Buchanan. To send an email, click here and just choose “Tag Sale” from the drop-down menu.