We’re all in this togetherEpiphany 6C | Luke 6:17-26 I took German in high school, which was forever ago, but I still remember that first year vocab list had Gesundheit on it. Besides being one of the German words most familiar to me, I became very attached to its …
At Halftime
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! You don’t have to care about football to know that people watch the Super Bowl. It remains, in the era of streaming, the only thing that pulls in large numbers of live viewers. Some for the game and others for the commercials. But this year, something else: …
A Word: The true freedom of love
Living into our common visionEpiphany 5C | Luke 5:1-11 Previously in the gospel according to Luke: Jesus was in the synagogue in Luke chapter 4. He was handed the scroll of Isaiah, he read it, and said that it had been fulfilled in their hearing. The people were astounded. Then, …