The Transfiguration comes as a strange interlude. But its brevity reveals its true purpose is to reorient the disciples to their new journey.
The transfiguration as a reimagined opportunity
Epiphany Last A | Matthew 17:1-9

Before they went up the mountain, they were followers of Jesus.
They left their nets and boats and parents long ago to join the rabbi on a journey. He had offered them a new fishing opportunity they couldn’t refuse.
They traveled the region, healed the sick, proclaimed the good news to the poor. These disciples were invited into the very work of God in the world. And we know from experience that when we keep seeing the work of God happening over and over, we start to really believe in this thing.
And so, when things happen in our world, we might look for help in understanding it. What does it say in scripture, tradition, theology? Is this what God does? Is this normal?
I sometimes wonder if the disciples are too embarrassed to talk in front of Jesus. They don’t want to mess up. And if we consider that they may be 16, 17, 18 years old, it seems all the more likely. Aren’t we afraid to speak up about theology? What if we’re wrong in front of our peers?
The full text may be found here.
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