Advent is the season of preparation: both for Christmas and the return of Christ. Marked as the solemn time four weeks before Christmas, Advent serves as a time of learning and yearning.
We observe Advent:
In Worship:
Holy Eucharist – 8:00 am and 10:00 am each Sunday (11/27, 12/4, 11, 18).
In Learning:
Soup & Studies – 5:00 pm the first three Sundays (11/27 and 12/4 & 11)
In Song:
Advent Lessons & Carols – 4:00 pm the fourth Sunday (12/18) with the Farrington Grove Chorale
With Family:
Join us as we explore the Advent Conspiracy together and at home!
The season in which we celebrate the birth of Jesus and the incarnation of Christ! Christians share 12 days of gift-giving and celebration.
Christmas Services
Saturday, December 24
4:00 pm – Family Service
9:00 pm – Traditional Service (with incense)
Sunday, December 25
10:00 am – Holy Eucharist
Sunday, January 1
10:00 am – Christmas Lessons and Carols