The parable of the righteous man is a set-up. And we can’t help falling for it. Because we don’t know what to do with his being wrong.
God’s love isn’t a competitive sport. We’re all on the same team.
Proper 25C
Luke 18:9-14
by the Rev. Drew Downs

This is a simple parable. A juxtaposition. How two people are different. Its internal logic is obvious. We’re to compare them.
Two people. One follows the rules and the other doesn’t. One is righteous and the other sins.
However, the simplicity of this parable is deceiving. We know Jesus is going to flip the script. So we adjust. By flipping the logic. Or ignoring the logic.
But it’s all a set-up. He uses a juxtaposition to condemn the process of judgment. Here’s why…
The full text may be found here.
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