Trying to make Christ into a king, we misunderstand the nature of power and its purpose. Especially our foolish attempts to wield it for good.
The problem is power
Proper 29C
Luke 23:33-43
by the Rev. Drew Downs

Here we are, at the end of the church year; the Last Sunday After Pentecost. Next week will be the first Sunday in Advent, kicking off Year A with the gospel of Matthew. So this is the last we get of Luke for awhile. Which is a shame. I love this gospel.
And we’re ending this church year with Jesus hanging from the cross between two other dissidents. It is, after all, what we might call “a down ending.”
But to get behind this a little bit, we need to remember a few things about what brought us here. How Jesus got on that cross, for starters. But almost more importantly, why. And what that means.
The full text may be found here.
For a limited time, the audio may be found here.