It is easy to get distracted by the rushing wind and tongues of fire. But the true revelation is that there is a force that would propel us at all.
the power behind the Pentecost
Pentecost | Acts 2:1-21

Today we celebrate the great revealing of the faith. The great bursting forth of the Holy Spirit into the world. Not as the birth of an institution, which marks its ongoing existence by yearly festivals but like the birthing itself. The Spirit propelled the disciples out in a push of incredible force.
This is the story of the Acts of the Apostle, of the Pentecost; the coming of the Holy Spirit and her inspiring of the disciples.
I love Pentecost and its evocative symbols: tongues, fire, wind, voices, and many languages. And the image of breaking out and going into the world is always a good word for us of more humble hearts.
But there is something ill-fitting about the story in the midst of a pandemic. Here in Vigo County, Indiana, our state has moved into stage 3 of re-entry. Our stores and restaurants are opening and expanding their sales.
So we might be in mind to burst out of our upper rooms and come into the crowded town square to proclaim the glory of God! Just because we are allowed.
But this week’s new infection rate is higher than last week’s, which was higher than the week before. The County Health Department reports that these new infections are not the product of increased testing, but all came from people getting tested because of their symptoms.
So we’re receiving this message of being thrust into the world at a time when it looks less and less possible for us to safely do that…
The full text may be found here.
For a limited time, you may find the audio here.