Being a part of the change we long to see
Epiphany 2C | John 2:1-11
Before we talk about Jesus turning water into wine, we should talk about how we got here in the first place. Last week, Jesus was being baptized by John in the Jordan and suddenly, Jesus is at a wedding with his mom, brothers, and disciples. It sounds like some stuff has happened, right?
In John’s gospel, we have that amazing prologue about the Word being with God in the beginning. Then we meet John the Baptist, who is baptizing people in the Jordan River. Among those people is Jesus, who he tells his own followers is above him, greater than him. The next day, John points Jesus out to two of his own disciples, one of whom is Andrew, and the two just leave John and start following Jesus. Then Andrew finds his brother, Simon Peter, and brings him to Jesus.
Then the day after that, Jesus seeks out Philip because he’s from the same hometown as Andrew and Simon. And Philip brings Nathaneal with him.
It is a fascinating sequence of events, built on invitation and circumstance. Andrew brings his brother. Jesus finds an old buddy of theirs. Philip brings Nathaneal. And all of this starts because John has the humility to let his own disciples go.
Then, it says, “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee”. In two days, Jesus collects five disciples, and the next day he takes them to a wedding…
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