In the parable of the talents, Jesus invites us to see the destructive and dishonest truth of greed—and the truth of abundant grace. And who we really areProper 28A | Matthew 25:14-30 We’ve had some pretty intense gospel readings for several weeks. And last week I …
A Word: Out of Darkness
The odd nature of this parable invites us to dig deeper, not into what we think it says, but into what we already know about Jesus's mission. And into a life of love and trustProper 27A | Matthew 25:1-13 Let’s reset the scene. Jesus was at the Temple. It’s what we know as Holy Week. They …
A Word: Our Secret Super Power
We are participating in the reimagining of sainthood and of our place in the world. And yet, the reason behind it remains the same. And for all the ordinary saintsAll Saints’ Day | Matthew 5:1-12 Good morning, Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! It is wonderful to see you. …