Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! This Sunday, we gather for our primary congregational meeting for the year. We often refer to it as The Annual Meeting with capital letters and everything (to show how important it is!). This is the time when gather to receive reports, elect leaders, and hear …
Into 2025
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Each year, we gather as a congregation for a meeting that includes everyone. We call it simply, the Annual Meeting, which, frankly, is a little on-the-nose if you ask me. We are obligated by canons of the church and by state and federal law to have a …
Disciples, Apostles, and Saints! Heading back to school, we fill our backpacks, decorate our lockers and classrooms, and prepare lesson plans. We recognize the kind of leadership the teacher displays to the class. But there is a kind of leadership the class will (or won't) display with itself. …