Jesus and the problem of authorityProper Last B | John 18:33-37 When we last gathered on Sunday, we heard Jesus announce a terrifying future, what scholars call “The Little Apocalypse” of Mark. I had prepared a sermon for it, even recorded the audio, before that foul beast named COVID …
A Word: Sharing Joy
A response for even the darkest of timesProper 28B | Mark 13:1-8 Many years ago, I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle in Milton, Massachusetts to go to grad school in the city. I got out there about a week before school was set to start so I could go looking for a job, which was what I …
A Word: The Widow’s Might
The normalcy of a remarkable lifeProper 27B | Mark 12:38-44 Digging into this gospel, let us remember the scene—Jerusalem, the end of the road. The final test. It is Tuesday of that time we call Holy Week. Jesus arrived on Sunday with great fanfare. Then came to the Temple on …