Jesus’s message of restoration buts up against his critique of the status quo. Now, he invites us to see that faith can save us; and we can save faith. as the space between us narrows so do our excuses Proper 23C Luke 17:11-19 by the Rev. Drew Downs Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels Jesus is …
A Word: Lead with Love
We want Jesus to teach us how to love like it takes a methodology or more faith than we have. Instead, Jesus shows how that misses the point. Jesus and the teaching of uncommon forgiveness Proper 22C Luke 17:1-10 by the Rev. Drew Downs Photo by Leo Cardelli from Pexels We jump into the …
A Word: Unbound Grace
The parable reveals how blind the rich man is to reality. And in reading it, Jesus hopes we won’t continue to share the same delusion. Lazarus and the rich man: a parable of hope Proper 21C Luke 16:19-31 By Rev. Drew Downs Photo by Rudolf Kirchner from Pexels A rich man, a poor man, and …